Monday, April 18, 2011

Oak Island. Another Lucid Dream

The other night I had a strange experience in an unusually clear dream.   After the reality checks in the dream, and I knew I was dreaming, I just let the dream move on by itself.  Wanted to see what it would be.
It was the usual things you see in dreams, mostly about people I know, and flying and things like that.  Good dream actually.

Well to make a long story short, all of a sudden it changes.  Now I am on a beach, I didn't know where. To those of you who practice this, you know what I mean. It's pretty normal.   Then, I hear somebody calling me over, so I follow.  I cannot remember the face. This person says to me..."Look just past the red, it lies there".
That woke me up, so I wrote it down.
The next morning, I did some research on the words  Island and Red on Island and all that.
As it turns out, there is an actual place like that.  It's called Oak Island in  Nova Scotia someplace. It has some kind of treasure there that people have been searching for, dating back about 150 years.   They Don't know whats there, but one one of the search company's dropped Red Paint down this man made tunnel, like 200 feet into this maze of them, to see where it would come out in the water.   They actually found Palm tree wood and coconut skins in their drilling, and some Gold fiber and other things on the bits. 220 feet down. This is not from anywhere near this area, ONLY in Egypt.  So the question is, What is down there?
I had never heard of Oak Island before that night, as well as I can remember, But the mind is a large place, and I could, and probably did read about it someplace, I guess..I don't know. This dream felt strange that's all.
Thought you may find that interesting.     Check out Oak Island for yourself. Look it up, it's there.
Peace   G

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