Tuesday, September 10, 2013

an incredible experience

today, I would like to share something with you.  Something so powerful, that I need to speak about it on here.

about 6 weeks ago, I was living my normal routine.  Just doing what I did every day as usual. All seemed to be well.  However, it was not, as it turned out. I started to feel weak on my left side. It did not subside.  This lasted all day and night.   I decided to take a walk, so, late that night, I did. Or I tried to anyway.
I was in the driveway, and I tripped on something, and could not get up. No matter how hard I tried. I thought I was having a stroke. I knew it was very serious, whatever it was. 

A short time later. I did make it back inside, and called my Niece, Tammy.  It turned out to be the most important call I have ever made.  A desperate cry for help.  Actually, life or death.

Tammy came right over and took me to the local hospital, which in turned sent me, in an ambulance to a larger Medical center, Where I learned I was having a Brain seizure, not a stroke, and it was being caused by a baseball sized Tumor. The tumor needed to be removed at once. My life expectancy was 2 days if not.
The tumor was indeed partially removed. It turned out to be cancerous, and extremely dangerous. An amazing fact about when I woke up was that I had, can only be described as a spiritual, life changing event.
I want you all to know that my niece Tammy, saved my life that night.  I am forever and eternally grateful.
I stayed in the hospital a week, where I learned that this type of thing is 90 percent fatal. Even with the surgery. 
I started to get radiation and chemo treatments, every day. I asked the doctors what my chances were. This is what I heard. I had a 40 percent chance to live 3 months. This was a terminal illness.
As I said, I had a spiritual event in the hospital. God had come to me in my time of need and came into my life and changed me. Forever. He reached down to me in my darkest hour and saved me.  I am forever thankful. I had made contact with God. His name is Jesus. God's Son.

I have made a decision to follow him. I try to live each day in prayer. I know now, that I have only a short time left possibly, so I wanted as many people to know that as possible.  It is after all, the very least I can do.
My life has changed totally from the inside out. I am fairly certain that the Lord is with me now.  Yes I was just like everybody else. I would have never said something like that before this all happened. However, it is all true, and it will change your life. Please trust me when I say that.
The Lord is the only one capable of doing all he does. He is the only one worthy of worship and praise. All that is required is that we have faith in him. He will rescue you if you receive his free gift of salvation. It does not matter how hopeless it seems. He is the great comforter, and almighty Father.
I would like to say this now. Thank you Lord Jesus for saving me. Thank you for all you have done for me. Thank you for all you have done for others when I have prayed for them in my humble way. I don't always know what to say, I am still very new at it. 

It is all still so amazing to me, it is difficult to describe. I used to hear people talk like this, but never really understood why.  This has changed me forever. It is all real.
