Tuesday, September 10, 2013

an incredible experience

today, I would like to share something with you.  Something so powerful, that I need to speak about it on here.

about 6 weeks ago, I was living my normal routine.  Just doing what I did every day as usual. All seemed to be well.  However, it was not, as it turned out. I started to feel weak on my left side. It did not subside.  This lasted all day and night.   I decided to take a walk, so, late that night, I did. Or I tried to anyway.
I was in the driveway, and I tripped on something, and could not get up. No matter how hard I tried. I thought I was having a stroke. I knew it was very serious, whatever it was. 

A short time later. I did make it back inside, and called my Niece, Tammy.  It turned out to be the most important call I have ever made.  A desperate cry for help.  Actually, life or death.

Tammy came right over and took me to the local hospital, which in turned sent me, in an ambulance to a larger Medical center, Where I learned I was having a Brain seizure, not a stroke, and it was being caused by a baseball sized Tumor. The tumor needed to be removed at once. My life expectancy was 2 days if not.
The tumor was indeed partially removed. It turned out to be cancerous, and extremely dangerous. An amazing fact about when I woke up was that I had, can only be described as a spiritual, life changing event.
I want you all to know that my niece Tammy, saved my life that night.  I am forever and eternally grateful.
I stayed in the hospital a week, where I learned that this type of thing is 90 percent fatal. Even with the surgery. 
I started to get radiation and chemo treatments, every day. I asked the doctors what my chances were. This is what I heard. I had a 40 percent chance to live 3 months. This was a terminal illness.
As I said, I had a spiritual event in the hospital. God had come to me in my time of need and came into my life and changed me. Forever. He reached down to me in my darkest hour and saved me.  I am forever thankful. I had made contact with God. His name is Jesus. God's Son.

I have made a decision to follow him. I try to live each day in prayer. I know now, that I have only a short time left possibly, so I wanted as many people to know that as possible.  It is after all, the very least I can do.
My life has changed totally from the inside out. I am fairly certain that the Lord is with me now.  Yes I was just like everybody else. I would have never said something like that before this all happened. However, it is all true, and it will change your life. Please trust me when I say that.
The Lord is the only one capable of doing all he does. He is the only one worthy of worship and praise. All that is required is that we have faith in him. He will rescue you if you receive his free gift of salvation. It does not matter how hopeless it seems. He is the great comforter, and almighty Father.
I would like to say this now. Thank you Lord Jesus for saving me. Thank you for all you have done for me. Thank you for all you have done for others when I have prayed for them in my humble way. I don't always know what to say, I am still very new at it. 

It is all still so amazing to me, it is difficult to describe. I used to hear people talk like this, but never really understood why.  This has changed me forever. It is all real.



Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Thankyou to our Troops

I  would like to take a minute and make sure I said thanks to the people who made everything I'm writing about on here possible.

   That would be the Men and Women who serve and have served the country I was lucky enough to be born in. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I hope someday I can find a way to really express my thanks, instead of just writing about it.

  A lot has been said about AMERICA. Poems, songs, movies, TV, parades, flag waving. Every possible way, you know? None of it will ever be enough.

   I like to think that it is more than that. here is my thought on what it is to me. I am not a good writer, I will try to say what I would like to say, as clearly as I can, and be as honest as I can.  I do however, tend to be a little over the top at times, so if you will be kind enough to bear with me here,  I will Speak my mind and do my best to say thanks in my own humble way. Thanks for reading, by the way. OK here we go.

  AMERICA is, was, and I pray,  always will be the finest concept of freedom and liberty, ever brought forth upon this earth. In all the thousands of years of civilization, There has never been a better place to live. Some may have come close in their own way, Ancient Greece maybe, or The British Empire, or even Rome.

  AMERICA is  a destiny, a blueprint for all to see, everywhere, for all time, on how to do it. However, we are not just a concept, but the actual MEANING of the word FREEDOM.

   AMERICA, is a fulfilled dream. The destination of history.    The end result of the first ancient thought of LIBERTY. The only way that the meaning of the words FREEDOM and LIBERTY, could be truly defined in the dictionaries of history, is to show a picture of AMERICA.  Nothing else could so perfectly describe those words. The same would go for our flag,  The STAR SPANGLED BANNER,  and our National Anthem with the same name.   Each of these symbols is equally ingrained in the souls of all of us.

Yet, those words and the freedom that comes with them, are not given freely. Someone had to earn our freedom. Not earn in the usual sense, but FIGHT for those words.

   These are the people who define patriotism, courage, and love of country. Because without them, there would be no America at all.  there would be nothing of what we now enjoy everyday. Sometimes, we all have a tendency, myself included, to take what we have for granted. It is not. There are some people that we all need to thank...  These people are the men and women in our Armed Forces. Every time I see the flag, or hear the National Anthem, I think of them.

   Try to picture this,  You are the one person who can fight in the battle for our National Security. You are told you have to jump out of a trench with a rifle, straight into poison gas, directly into the mouth of certain death in the form of Machine gun fire.  Or, being ordered to clear out a dangerous trap in the middle of the desert, that has to be taken out. It is strategically located, and it's removal is imperative.  You will not return.      It's the only way to preserve our freedom. Could you do it?  Ask yourself that question and give an honest answer. Well before you do answer, remember this, SOMEONE did,  And not just one someone. Not just thousands either.

   This is the price of our freedom.  All,  everything,  life itself.   Sacrifice beyond measuring.   Beyond anything you, or I could ever do.  The greatest act of love possible.  To be willing to lay down your own life for your friends.   To be willing to do anything necessary to preserve our freedom and rights.   Uncountable  times done anonymously,  without any thought of praise or thanks.    Acts of  unthinkable  courage done for others in the name of Liberty.  This is what it took for us to enjoy what we have today. May we never lose sight of that.

   So, when the words   PATRIOTISM  and  GLORY are defined in that book, there will  be a lot of pictures there. A lot of names.

   That incredible concept of Liberty, given to us by our founders has been bought and is still being paid for today.   Even as I write this, and you listen to it, There are men and women doing just that. We need to remember that.  What  you and I, have to do now is, never forget where we are and how we are able to be here.

   It's because of People. Everyday people who rose up and said, "I'LL do it!," and DIED for that perfect idea called AMERICA. Each and every one had more courage than I can imagine, and  to do that for you and I, who they knew not!   It is out of the furnace of  just such honor, that mighty Nations are forged.

   We can be part of that idea!   It's not a question of saying "what can I do", because there is something we can do, and it doesn't take sacrifice, or volunteering, or money.  All we have to do, is say "Thank You".  Two simple words.   Two words that include us in the incredible idea called AMERICA.    "Thank You" comes in many forms too.  If you see a member of the Armed Forces, remember what that uniform stands for.    There has never been anything like it seen before in the History of the World.  So walk up, Shake his or her hand, and say... "THANK YOU! ... It's an honor to meet you!"    THEN you ask,.. "What can I do"?...See how good you will feel!... Some of the greatest fires of Historical changes have started with tiny sparks just like that.  These men and women, are the true patriots!  These don't just talk the talk, they walk the WALK!   We need to remember that.   I need to remember that also.   I sometimes get so tangled in my own little troubles, that I forget about the whole big picture.  Thinking about this gets me motivated to take a step in the CORRECT  direction today. So I posted this. This is how I feel anyway.

   Just saying or thinking those words makes whoever it is, a part of history. Just the fact that we are able to do that, gives us a right that millions, down through that history had never been given. What an incredible amazing honor.

   May I never lose sight of the scope of that. I may have done some things in my life, that I'm not entirely proud of, and I am probably not deserving of this honor.
That is what makes it so much more amazing.  We are all Equal. We are.

   I remember my father and my Grandpa, telling me about World War Two. My Father was wounded at Normandy, when they landed there.  I have always been so proud of both my Father, and Grandpa. They are both gone now, but I remember them calling that Generation, "The Greatest Generation". I can see why they were called that too.  It was because we all stood together as ONE, and faced whatever happened together, as one. One Nation, United!    I look around today and see that taking place again. We have another Great Generation now. We are all  the sons and daughters of Liberty. We all possess the potential, to accomplish more for peace, progress, fairness, and the pursuit of happiness... than any who have lived before!  Not only here, but everywhere. So, once more, the light of Freedom stands waiting for that spark of change. The one that begins inside each of us. I believe in the power of Dreams of Hope. That's why I believe that America's Greatest hour is yet to come.

   To our Defenders,  I wanted to stand up, and say thank you!... May I try to truly appreciate all you have done, and are doing now!  I pray that I can.  I pray that we all can.

   So look up America, and smile!.  For The best is yet to come! It's right around the corner! We face a brave new world today my friends, A world that changes fast. The problems we are facing today can be daunting, to say the least, but remember this, Together, we WILL succeed!    We can, and we WILL, say to the world,  "You Ain't seen NOTHIN" yet!"

                                                                      THANK YOU.

Thanks for listening.  G smiley