Friday, April 15, 2011

When The Student Is Ready, The Master Will Appear

Have you ever wondered how certain things in our lives that we do, that seem insignificant At the time, are the things that affect it the most?  Like say, that first sight of the one who, would become your spouse, or the glimpse out your car window at the house where you are destined to spend the rest of your life?

Things like that. And what if you had not looked that way that day, or made that call or whatever.

This would pertain to the not so good choices too. The ones we would like to have back if we could. It all seems to go hand in hand somehow. I don't know, or would even imply to say I understand things like that, but I think they all go together and make all the pieces fit in the end.

Maybe, all things do work together for good, and we just can't, or won't see it at the time.

There is someone who is very dear to me, who once told me... that all situations are put there for us to have the chance to use them for the very best end, bad or good, it's all the same.  It's just up to us to see that and act upon it. I am paraphrasing a little here, but you know what I mean.

I suppose that if we could think like that, we could have a little more peace in our lives, and be at least confident in most situations, whether they are good ones or not so good ones. That way of thinking, although sound, is a very difficult thing to live up to, and very rewarding when we try.

So maybe each situation, bad or good, really COULD be seen as a chance for us to make the most out of it, and learn from it, or experience love from it, or happiness. Things like that.

I'm not trying to preach or lecture. I'm just reflecting on it. I am 59 years old, and Believe me, I have seen my share of all of that. I just wish I had the ability at the time, to see that, and not just hindsight about it later on. However if we did have that ability at the time, there would be no learning or growing from it, Or obtaining wisdom from it.

WISDOM is given as a tool to teach others on it after we ourselves, have learned from it, and not necessarily for our own benefit, although it does benefit us a great deal When We use it in any capacity.

WISDOM is the tool forged for others, taken from our own growth. It's our job to recognize it and use it. That is just my own statement and opinion... not necessarily the truth. I have no intentions of implying anyone should live like that. Its just a contemplative thought.

What my point here is this. When we begin to understand situations for what they are, That is, when the correct decision makes itself known to us.... We grow. Sort of like, when the Student has studied, and learned, the "Master"... or the Truth,  will be made known to us.
I'm sure everybody has thought at least once in their life,  "I wish I knew then what I know now".  That would be nice, however It doesn't work that way.  Hindsight can be used to help us though. 

So we should, in my opinion try to make the best of any situation, for there is a way in each one for us to make the best of it.

That is what was on my mind tonight.

Thanks for reading

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