Friday, April 15, 2011


I thought I would talk about the very first Lucid Dream I ever had.   I was doing all the steps every day, and getting a little discouraged, but I had no idea of what was about to happen.
That first dream.  Now any of you who have experienced it, you know exactly what I am talking about.  There are just no words...I will try however, to relate it.
It was just before I woke up.  I was in that half awake half asleep phase, where sometimes abstract images sort of float around in your mind. Little memories of things you have seen, or remembered. Kind of like a half awake daydream.  Nothing out of the ordinary, when bang, this array of colors appears. It begins to swirl around like a whirlpool, getting more colorful every second. Like a pattern of rectangles spinning down.

I remember thinking, "reality check now!"  I remember thinking it and doing it.  I held up my hand... (in the dark room)...  and looked and glanced away, and looked again.  It was different.   Immediately This pattern got as bright as a painting on a wall, and I thought  "This is it!... Its really happening!  As soon as I thought that, The swirling got bigger and closer and Started to pull me down into it.  Now this was not scary, and I was not afraid at all.  I knew I was asleep!  I knew I was dreaming!.   I knew it and was cheering all the way down, Like on the best roller coaster you can imagine. Which of course is exactly what it was too!

There are actually no words to describe this correctly.  There was no doubt in my mind, This was the real thing.  This incredible feeling came over me. Peace and comfort. I will NEVER forget it!   I reached the bottom of this whirlpool thing on the side of a mountain with this amazing green grass.   It reminded me a little of the scene from   The Sound Of Music, where they are running down the hill.

What I did next will stay forever in my mind.   I started to run and flap my arms like a bird would.   In the waking world you would never do such a thing,  because It's well...impossible to fly you know?  It is impossible. At least when you are awake anyway.   In here?  I knew I was dreaming and It was possible here.   So, well,  off I flew!   For some reason, I had to keep my arms moving or I would descend.  I remember trying that a time or two and just took right off again.  What a feeling!...

 The next thing I knew I was going up and into that whirlpool thing again.  Then I woke up....stunned. I could not believe what had just happen. So I put it in the Journal, and went about the day.   Could not wait  to sleep again... Even now, it seems strange to be writing about this. I know how it sounds. If I was somebody reading this, I would not believe it.  As strange as it may sound, it did happen.  I'm just writing it down.

That is a short version of what happened.   My friends..When The first dream happens, trust me you will know. There will be no doubt in your mind.  For those of you who have felt this, you know just what I'm talking about.         Totally   Completely  astonishing.     If you are just starting out with this, Keep going.  Just keep doing the steps. Trust me, It will be worth it! 
Peace G

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