Monday, June 27, 2011

A Personal Theory

I am going to partially change my subject for a minute here.   I was in bed before, and my mind was preoccupied with something, so I got up again and am writing it down.  (please excuse my bad writing skills)...

The subject was the question of...  Faith vs. Evolution.   My mind was centering on How can they both be correct?   OK First Faith.  We are told and taught, that the earth was created in so many days. 6 days...

Billions have believed this to be true.   Now I'm not trying to sway anyone to believe anything here, and for now, I will leave out the rest of the history and the reality of faith, and not bore you with any hypothesis.  I will concentrate on the subject at hand. that's all.   I have my own personal beliefs, very strong beliefs, But I'm not going to go into that right now.  I will try simply to give my opinion on this.  Looking at it as rationally as I can. With an open mind.   That clears that up, I guess.

OK, Faith goes on for thousands of years, and continues.  Now however, something new comes to light in the last hundred years or so.   Evolution.   Evolution says that the world was formed over billions of years. Man has evolved over eons. The scientific evidence is a rock solid case, don't you think?  I mean there is no question as to how old the Earth is scientifically. None at all. At least according to our current state of technology anyway. And the technology appears to be completely sound. The evidence speaks for itself. Loud and clear.  I have to admit it is fairly obvious.  Fair enough so far?...

Faith tells us, that the Human Race came from Adam and Eve.  Sometime after the earths creation,  and all humans are descended from them. (keep in mind, some scholars disagree in the lengths of the "days" mentioned in the Creation)...

Now, Science on the other hand, says man evolved from Whatever form Man started out as. Lets for the argument's sake say apes. (actually it was more like small mammals I think).   Anyway,  They have complete proof that  a form of early man did exist. The evidence is everywhere. artifacts, Bones, cave dwellings dating back a lot further than can be possible, according to what faith says.  There is also total evidence of dinosaur bones Millions of years old. No doubt. They are that old. OK?  I'm just bringing up the facts here, I'm not taking a side at this point.  As I said, Approaching with a clear and open mind. 
Science shows that these dinosaurs were destroyed in a catastrophe of some sort. A meteor or Asteroid hit the Earth, and wiped them all out.  Scientific proof supports this. At least to the point to where There is little doubt remaining.  The Craters are there. They are. Science has given proof of their age too.   Whether or not  a collision with something wiped out the Dinosaurs Is debated,  But for the most part is accepted in the scientific community.  OK then. There is some Hard evidence and some cold clear facts. It appears that did indeed happen.  Its pretty well cut and dried.  I'm not going to go into the discussion of theology Verses Science, on the Age of the Earth or Dinosaurs right now,  I will just let the facts speak for themselves...

What I am going to offer is an opinion on something.  For the argument, I will say that Early man did evolve. He evolved and was there. Writing on the cave walls, and all that.  He existed. He did.
My point here is this... What if something like what happened to the dinosaurs so long ago,  also happened  to our friends the evolved cave people?  And what if this happened 7,10, 20, or 50 thousand years ago?   There would certainly be signs that they existed,  and there certainly is.
OK.  Lets say that  is what happened. there gone. leaving all this proof of evolution behind.  Done deal. No question.   They were here. Evolution happened...To them...

Now, back to the earth a few thousand years ago.  There are no cave men left by now, for whatever the amount of time.  But they were here!  Just like the Dinosaurs.  And they evolved.  That being the natural order of things anyway, They changed and adapted. They Evolved and were made extinct. (for argument sake) OK?...

Now, God looks on the Earth. Its now time For Adam and eve. Adam first. then Eve. The rest is his story. . Faith tells us that we did indeed come from this start...Adam and Eve did exist. And only a few thousand years ago.  HOWEVER, they did not evolve from early man, because early man was  destroyed earlier by something.  Something that Science has not proven yet.

This leaves the field open for the suggestion that there was indeed Creation. And  there was also evolution.  Man was created By God, in God's image. Exactly when and how It is stated in the Bible.  That is Faith.       Valid scientific proof is given, Showing evidence of something else. That is Evolution. It goes on and on, we are most likely never going to know what really factually happened. I really hope we do someday though... To tell you the truth? We have a lot more important things to worry about anyway... I only brought it up cause it was stuck in my head this morning, thought it may make something interesting to write about.

As I said, I'm only stating facts as I know them.  I did not take any sides, up to this point. That was not the purpose here.
I wanted to put this out as a suggestion, and see what you may think of it.  It may sound strange, But there has to be SOME kind of explanation, Because the facts are there...  We cannot just ignore something because we don't want to believe it for whatever reason. I have seen that happen too.. That would go for both sides equally.   Evolution seems to be a fact, and Faith is a fact.   There has to be some kind of  logical equation to explain what we don't yet understand. All the facts are there. Maybe with a little reasoning together, we could all agree on the Truth, when it is presented to us... Now I know there are holes in the little theory presented here, But It could have happened that way.. It's more likely something totally different I guess. Who knows?  Maybe someday we will know. Anyway ... I guess I have said my little story for today.  As you can clearly see, I am no expert. on either subject. 

As for Myself?  I think if we are supposed to know, we will someday. I however will stand for Faith. I will believe that God is Alive, and is watching from Eternity, wherever that is, and is Perfect in his plan. As is demonstrated by the incredible wonder of  the Universe we are in. Faith tells us that God is perfect. And is perfect in his designs. Take a look at the Universe around us. It is in perfect order. The magnitude of that order is so great, that our minds cannot even grasp it. This in itself, points to the existence of a perfect Creator...  I will also not ignore science, and scientific fact, Whatever it is, for science is the language of intelligence. It is only ourselves who are lacking in the skills to read it properly.   As for the size of this Universe and all the possible worlds, (and Universes)  there could be,  well, we will know someday too I guess.  there are no limits.The word doesn't even apply.  The answer is probably going to surprise us I'm sure.   I certainly don't know any more than anyone else does, and I didn't want to give that impression.

I have lived a life of incredible ups and downs. As I look back on it for a minute, I find it hard to believe I did everything I did. Experienced everything I did. From the top of the world to the very bottom, and more than once too.  I found and lost Love. three times.   Had 3 careers.  Lived all over the Country.  Was rich, and was poor. Had a home, and was homeless.  Was healthy, and had cancer.  Along the way, I found faith.  I also stumbled in that faith. Also more than once.  I have Been a musician, Not a good one, but I played with some notable people
I've been called... "the best in the business"... "legend"... And "Big Gun"... (I have no idea why),  by some, and rejected by the same, and others. This also more than once. I have never talked about this stuff much, it's just boring.   It's not really that important to people anyway, It just happened how it did. It was what it was. I'm sure a lot of people have the same kind of stories. Nothing special about me.  I am just a guy writing a story in a Blog... maybe though, I will write something about my life. Maybe it could help somebody not to make the same mistakes you know?   In the end, There really are no limits.  It's really an incredible thing when you think about it...

For those of you who know me, well I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. Thanks for the Patience guys. And you know I will love you always.    The full truth however on my life, has never been told. Not even to you guys.  Not that it's bad, because it's not.  It's actually been one amazing ride!  If I could see myself at 5 looking at my life to this point.  Well, Even I would not have believed what I saw.  I am so thankful for both the good and the bad. That is after all, how we learn isn't it?
OK,  Next post, back to our regular scheduled program.  I'm sure I have bored you enough.

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