Monday, May 7, 2012

Lucid Dreams and other things

     My blog is titled Lucid American Dreams, I know. I also know that I do get off the subject once in a while. This is way off the subject, and I felt led to write about it. So, I'm going to put in my little 2 cents on something important on my mind.

     I actually took a year off from posting, and it has been a very interesting year, to say the very least. I am in the process now, of writing it all down. It's going to take me a few days to get my notes put together and get some of it on here. I have been all over the place this past year, and seen things and experienced things, I never thought I would. Looking back on most of my life, that's saying a lot, even for me.

     Lets just say that I have seen a cross section of life in America. I'm not talking about traveling around in an RV and stopping off at tourist places, like we see on TV. I wish I was. I saw another face of America. The one that most people will never see. Not even on your television. There are a lot of people out there that really have no voice in things, who are never seen or remembered, or even noticed. Each one has a story. Each one deserves to be heard.  There is just so much to write about, that I have not decided where to begin yet.  I have personally experienced some of the worst situations you can find yourself in today. Taking into account, the current state of the economy, I guess.

     I'm not talking about things like Gas prices, or maybe having some problems with your Cell Phone, or being late for work. Or maybe keeping up with fashion, or peer pressure, or throwing parties or going to the movies. Or maybe figuring  out where to go for dinner, or relationship problems, or paying bills, or worrying about whatever it may be. All the things that we all, including myself, take for granted. We just don't realize it.  Everything that makes up the lives of Media fed America. Its all good though, don't get me wrong. God bless you all. I mean that. I do.
      The problems we face are serious. I'm not saying they are not. I am just trying to bring up a perspective comparison, that we should be thankful for what we do have, because there are many many people who don't have any of that. I'm talking about the people who are living with everything you watch on TV. The ones who live in a reality that is becoming bigger every day. I am talking about the forgotten, scared, desperate, lonely people of America. They are The Homeless. And there, but by the Grace of God we could all end up. Even though we all think we are invincible, and that it could never happen to us, and that we could never get into that situation. Not us. Sometimes we look at it and shrug and say that It is their own fault, or they are lazy, or its not my problem. Sometimes we don't care at all, or forget about them when we get home after driving past them on the street.  Well, That's what they said and did too.  When I get this written down on here, you will see what I mean.
      You know that saying, "If it ain't broke don't fix it"?  Well, this is broke. and we need to fix it. I'm not talking about buying some T shirt or a hat or  something to maybe support a show you saw on TV about it, because it makes you feel better, or it's taking some kind of side in Politics or opinions with friends somewhere, at a party or something. Or pointing our fingers and blaming somebody   (usually not ourselves).  If we even talk about it at all.  Listen, I did the same thing myself. I'm not accusing anybody, because that does not help either. And I don't mean for it to sound like that. We all spend way too much time accusing and laying the blame on things like that. It actually becomes part of the problem after a while.  However, if it does appear that I am accusing, then you can include me too.  I am just as guilty.

   Well, while we are all arguing about who is right or who is wrong, or who is to blame for this or who didn't do this right or that right, in the end, what does it matter, or amount to or solve?    Nothing.  That's what.  It solves nothing.   That is the truth, and the truth hurts.   These people don't care about anyone's opinion, or whether or not you won an argument at a party about the situation, they need help. I know, I have been there. I know how that feels.

    My advise would be simple.   Don't wait till it comes up and bites you, because it will. It bites hard too. Trust me, I know.  I wish I had the full answer, but I don't. However, as one who has been there, and has seen this firsthand, and by that I mean, experiencing it, and all the misery and pain and horror that comes with it, what is needed is clear. Even some of the solutions are clear. It is the application of the solution that is the problem. Even, let's say, that if every person in every town donated just one dollar a week for maybe a month, or a week, or even only once in a while, to a local shelter or program, not only would it send much needed resources directly to help, but it would automatically create jobs to process it. Jobs for them and for others. Remember, we are not the only ones with financial problems. The economy effects these programs too. One of the first steps would be, I guess, Awareness, and Careness. These people being affected, just don't have the time for us not to at least know about what is going on.  I was just like everybody else too. I just didn't know how serious it was. So please, just take a look at the situation. Guys, if we all got together on this, we could actually fix one of the problems facing us for a change. Some of this stuff has been going on for way to long now, don't you think? Myself? well, I can't believe how selfish and blind I was to not notice how bad it had become.

 This is just one problem too. there are so many facing us today. You know what? Every single one of these problems can be corrected. After all, we caused  them didn't we? Well, we can fix them too now.  Or, we can always  go back to our texts and chats and video games, and forget about it, let it all fall apart, and wait till somebody else does it.

      There are answers. And there are solutions. We all just have to care enough to do the right thing for the right reason. Also, whoever would be in charge, would need to listen and understand, and have the courage and compassion to also do the right thing for the right reason. We need to stop pointing fingers and arguing and debating, and complaining, while we are sitting in our living rooms safe and secure. This includes me too. This needs to be corrected.  This can be corrected.   Not just accepted as another problem that affects somebody else, and can wait.   It can't wait.  When it happens to people, it happens fast.  It destroys your life before you can even react. No matter who we are. No matter how untouchable we think we are. None of us is.   One day you are fine, the next day you are looking for cans for food. Fighting for your life. All alone, dirty and discarded.  And this world doesn't have any video games or TV, or parties, or cell phones in it either. This world just has a devastating reality that will burn right to your soul. This is the world that I saw. This is the world I lived in. In this world, you find out who your friends are real quick. And all of those people you knew? All those opinionated party friends?  Well, get ready for some real creative excuses why they are not able to help you. You are on your own my friend. They are just not coming. The party is over. Believe me, when you wake up in the morning and God forbid, you find yourself there, It's gonna be too late to debate it and forget it then. Now you have all the time you need to think about all the arguments and debates you won about this. Yup, while your standing in the bread line watching them drive past, ignoring you.  Don't think this cannot happen to you either, because it can happen. I pray it never does.

     Anyway, as I said, It has been an interesting year.  I really do have some stories to write about it. Not just stories either. This actually happened to me. And then some. So thanks for reading. I have missed you.

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